Комментарии пользователя

2010-09-28 13:29

Antzzz 28/09/2010 08h05 Fight report

You attack drhoffman Nest

Attacking troops :361 828 Young dwarves, 52 779 Dwarves, 5 998 Top dwarves, 26 759 Young soldiers, 17 827 Soldiers, 406 Fire ants, 29 300 Top fire ants, 7 681 Top soldiers.
Defending troops :232 Soldiers.

You're inflicting 3 148 382(+4 092 897) damages and kill 232 enemies.
The enemy inflicts 325 (+228) damages to your ants and kill 30.

Massive victory !
Just time to warm up and they were all dead ...
You won this battle !


Antzzz 28/09/2010 08h05 Hunting field of drhoffman captured

Your ants conquered 74 163 cm2 during last battle. This territory belonged to drhoffman.


Antzzz 28/09/2010 08h05 Robbery of drhoffman

Your ants robbed 1574145 food and 1574145 materials during last battle, these resources were belonging to drhoffman.


Antzzz 28/09/2010 08h05 drhoffman is colonized!

Congratulations !
You've just taken control of a new colony, it will have to give you 20% of its incomes as an obedience sign.
Your army stayed in the place to defend your interests, take care of this colony, its owner drhoffman may try to rebel.


Antzzz 28/09/2010 08h05 Fight report

You attack drhoffman Anthill

Attacking troops :362 035 Young dwarves, 52 774 Dwarves, 5 997 Top dwarves, 26 759 Young soldiers, 17 827 Soldiers, 406 Fire ants, 29 300 Top fire ants, 7 681 Top soldiers.
Defending troops :1 560 Soldiers.

You're inflicting 3 148 973(+4 093 665) damages and kill 1 560 enemies.
The enemy inflicts 2 184 (+1 529) damages to your ants and kill 201.

Massive victory !
Just time to warm up and they were all dead ...
You won this battle !

Surviving units learnt from this battle :
- 6 Young dwarves became Dwarf
- 1 Dwarf became Top dwarf


2010-08-18 19:03

Спасибо за помощь))

2010-08-18 18:21

Напал Capitaine-Caverne
Alliance : G.I.
State : Free anthill
Number of colonies : 0
Location : x=45 et y=45
Вот страница альянса в котором он состоит
помогите мне плиз)))
Вот его сообщения:

Capitaine-Caverne(G.I.) 18/08/2010 12h33 excuse moi c une erreur


j'ai bouletté en lançant un flood et c sur ton tdc que mon armée va atterrir.
Je suis infiniment désolé de cette erreur. ce n'est en aucun cas une agression ni contre toi ni contre ton alliance.
Si tu as des troupes sur ton tdc il vaudrait mieux les enlever. Je te rembourserai tous les dégâts causés et le tdc pris.

ENcore dsl


Вот второе сообщение:

Capitaine-Caverne(G.I.) 18/08/2010 12h35

Mon armée arrive chez toi à 20h27
You're going to attack Pashok(AntClub) (Hunting field) in 7 hours 53 minutes 40 seconds
Arrival on 18-08-10 20:27:48
Tiens moi au courant

CC (dsl)

P.S. Помогите пожалуйста...спасите

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